Gathering time during CNY period
Baby, my kakis & I suggested to have a steamboat lunch and evening Chocolate Fondue @ Baby's house... We bot a lot of ingredients for the steamboat and Chocolate Fondue sessions... We started our steamboat & Chocolate Fondue sessions @ 2.30pm & 5pm respectively....

For Steamboat :-
Fishballs, Crab Meatballs, Fuzhou Meatballs, Mushroom Meatballs... Crab Sticks, Black Fungus, Fish-cakes Tofu, Maize, Baby Corns, Shrooms, Golden Mushroom, 'Cai Xin', Tau Pok, King Prawns, Egg Tofu, Fish Dumplings, Top shells in can and Dong Fen....
After our steamboat, it was already 4pm... so we rested our tummies by playing Xbox... Baby made chinese tea for us... Susie & I had Buddha's Tears while Jo had White Lavendar... So sweet of him....
For Fondue :-
Marshmallows, Wafers, Strawberries, Red Apples, Guavas, Bananas, Mandarin Oranges, Honeydews....
After our fondue.... Susie, Jo & I surfed the net for some online beauty and fashion buys... while baby was playing the Xbox games.... Ard 6.35pm... Susie, Baby & Jo went for a walk with Coco in the park, while I jogged around the park as per my routine exercise in the evening...
After our evening exercise... baby drove us to Sembawang Shopping Centre (SSC) for shoppings... bot 2 pairs of primos from 'Cotton On'... Very fashionable yet afforable...
