Simple Bdae Celebration
As we are celebrating Susie's Bdae... Joanne and myself... organised a steamboat dinner @ 'Xian De Lai' along Liang Seah Street... Patricia joined in the dinner too.. More ppl the merrier... I got the bdae gal a shimmer gold coin purse and a bottle of Anna Sui nail-polish... Hope she will like her gifts... ^-^.

As Susie got tickets for the 2130hrs 'Where Got Ghost?' @ GV Plaza thru AXS machine... After our dinner... we made our way to Plaza Singapura by train for the show... Baby joined in for the show with us too... he waited for us @ the cinema level... Thanks Baby for making time for the show... muacks...

A truely ’Singaporean’ show.... I did enjoy myself for Hormedy movie (mixture of Horror and Comedy)... The lines in the show are humorous and the casts are comedic too. The NG shots are the added bonus to the show... 100% entertainment!!! There is one point I want to high-light is that... I find the last 2 stories - Forest Got Ghost & House Got Ghost... Story line is weak and rather lame... The only unique point for Jack Neo's film is the comedic hokkien jokes which make the movie worth watching... by most Singaporean...
The show ended ard 2330hrs.... Baby sent me home... and walked me up to my doorstep... I love his TLC... Congrats Baby for the fixture his very first vessel... after working 1 mth plus as a Ship Broker... Muacks... He sms-ed me that he got home ard 0040hrs... He called me ard 0140hrs... too bad... I fell asleep... haix and missed his call... Sorry Baby...