'The Incredible Hulk' @ GV Marine Square – 18/06/08
Bran², Jo², Violet & I went to watch the 19:00hrs 'The Incredible Hulk' @ GV Marine Square. We met up @ suntec after work & headed straight to the cinema to purchase our tickets. We reached there ard 6.30pm, long queue & is crowded lolz on the mid-week. The main reason behind is that the price for the weekend ticket movie is much too expensive so ppl started to watch on weekdays instead cos more cost saving. All I can say is that I have no regrets watching this show. It is exciting & entertaining throughout the whole show.
The Incredible Hulk - worth my thumbs-up.

2 design posters of 'The Incredible Hulk'
The Incredible Hulk - worth my thumbs-up.

2 design posters of 'The Incredible Hulk'