You Don't Mess With the Zohan @ The Cathay – 25/06/08
As Bran², Jo² & I decided to watch You Don't Mess With the Zohan - 19:00hrs @ The Cathay.
Giant Poster stand - You Don't Mess With the Zohan
(taken when we picked up the ticket during lunch-time)
Jo² helped us to book 3 tickets online on Tuesday for Wednesday screening @ The Cathay. As the tickets need to be pick up one hour before the show start… moreover we knocked off @ 6pm. There was no way we can reach there by 6pm, due to this online booking needed her credit card to rectify the tickets, that’s why Jo² had to be there to do so… she rushed down to The Cathay ticket booth during lunch-time on the very day to pick up the tickets. Me as BFF of her, of course accompany her to collect the tickets too. We had Long John Silver for our rush lunch....

in the cinesmax - THE CATHAY
You Don't Mess With the Zohan is worth my both thumbs-up

(taken when we picked up the ticket during lunch-time)
Jo² helped us to book 3 tickets online on Tuesday for Wednesday screening @ The Cathay. As the tickets need to be pick up one hour before the show start… moreover we knocked off @ 6pm. There was no way we can reach there by 6pm, due to this online booking needed her credit card to rectify the tickets, that’s why Jo² had to be there to do so… she rushed down to The Cathay ticket booth during lunch-time on the very day to pick up the tickets. Me as BFF of her, of course accompany her to collect the tickets too. We had Long John Silver for our rush lunch....

Jo² & I met up Bran² @ the Cathay’s entrance @ 6.30pm, before headed to the cinema…
I have no regrets paying & rushing for this show... I was rather tired due to work load while heading down to the cinema surprisingly I was widely awake during the whole show, been laughing throughout the whole show. Adam Sandler is so Really Amusing in the show. This show is hilarious and very entertaining... super stress relieve antidote….
You Don't Mess With the Zohan is worth my both thumbs-up