I came to know about the Sunsilk Challenge from Simply Her magazine and I signed up for it thru the Sunsilk Challenge webbie... There were a few ranges to choose from... I opted for "Dream Soft & Smooth" and Baby sent me to collect the Sunsilk haircare regime off MacPherson Road... Kinda of near my house... But to me... Seem near yet far cos I am kinda idiot when come to directions... Haha!
The exact address given is 120 Siang Kuang Avenue (opps Royal Sporting House)... So we parked our car along the landed property area opp Royal Sporting House as stated... We can't find the place... Took us 15mins to find the place... rather hard to find leh... Called up for help... Luckily the person who answered my call helped me with the directions to the place... Thanks ya!
The address & the Sunsilk challenge notice was mounted on a blue container...
The best part is the location is in-between the blue container & the white house... Like secret zone area sia... Haha! It always fun being with Baby...
Sunsilk haircare regime include of a retail size Shampoo - 375ml & a retail size Nourishing Conditioner - 350ml...

This challenge is to introduce their new Best Ever Co-Created with the world's Best Hair Experts... Sunsilk has teamed up with Bobsoho Salon of London founded by Thomas Taw... They are famous for resuscitating dry hair.. With the new co-created.. Sunsilk's most advanced Dream Soft and Smooth formulation for silky and soft touch hair... Can't wait to try out the the new range of Sunsilk - Dream Soft & Smooth... Co-created with Thomas Taw, enriched with Ceramide Macadamia Complex... Stay tune for my 14-Day challenge and see my results...
My 14-Day Challenge Results
I opted for the Dream Soft & Smooth range... My hair texture is coarse with drying ends... Lack of shine as well. After using the new co-creation with Bobsoho Salon of London founded by Thomas Taw... As they are famous for resuscitating dry hair.. With the help of the new co-created.. Sunsilk's most advanced Dream Soft and Smooth formulation for silky and soft touch hair... enriched with Ceramide Macadamia Complex... I am pleased to say that my hair condition has been improved... My hair is shine now and softer than before... With the enriched ingredients, now my hair is strong enough to endure heated styling tools... Indeed a great improvement! I am glad that Sunsilk has given me this opportunity to try-out the latest series as my hair-care regime.. Thanks Sunsilk!
Gotta a reply email from the Sunsilk Challenge this afternoon... Here it goes, the content : 'Congratulations. You have been picked as one of the 3 finalists for the Sunsilk Challenge. A photo shoot is currently being arranged on the 18 June. Please help ensure you are available for the whole day that day. Simply Her will be contacting you soon to make the necessary follow-up arrangements.'
OMG!... I was being selected... I am insane happy! Will wait for Simply Her to contact me to confirm the date & time for the photo-shooting... Thanks Sunsilk once again...
Went for the photo-shooting @ SPH last Friday... Kinda of nervous... My First!!! Luckily the Photography & the crews were so friendly and ask me to relax... Appreciate their thoughts... Thanks Simply Her & Sunsilk for making this real for me...
Gotta a reply email from the Sunsilk Challenge again this afternoon... Here it goes, the content : "Thank you for your participation and we hope you had enjoyed yourself at the shoot. In addition to the feature, you have also won $200 St Gregory Spa vouchers as well as $100 worth of Sunsilk products.
OMG! There is a spa treat from St Gregory... GREAT! I love Spa. Muaks!