Carrie on with Desserts & Beauty
Joanne joined for the carrie on contest... and she won a high tea treats and make-over for 3 girlfriends included herself compliments by 1-Caramel & The Studio... Thanks Joanne for the invite... 

Let's tuck in after our make-over.... Toast up for the best!!!

Keren & I....

Great weekend for us... We headed down to the Sex and the City makeover weekend high tea...
Linda & Joanne
Each of everyone of us took turns to do the makeover.... Joanne snapped this pix while I was doing my makeover... Thanks Remy from the Studio for the excellent work..
They served us a Moet Rose Champagne... and 2-tiers of desserts & pastry.... OMG! They were treated like queen there... Love that feeling... Everything was free... from makeover to our drinks

I love my makeup cos it blended well with sundress... Thanks Remy once again....
Some portfolios from The Studio.... They give excellent make-up & I-Caramel is a nice place for chill-out & gathering. Thumbs up for both!!!