Due Date Preview Screening
We were given the latest copy of F*** Movie Magazine... OM! Look @ the cover of the mag... *Scream*... Yes, it's Robert Downey Jr.
--- Posters of Due Date ---
A forthcoming 'buddy' road trip comedy - 'Due Date' stars the odd pair of Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Galifianakis. 'Due Date' was produced by director and co-writer - Todd Phillips... Same director who directed 'The Hangover'... Simply truly funny & refreshing.

Sunny, the pug is cute in the show... Kinda gross to see a dog doing the BIG 'M'
Rating: 3.5/5
There wasn't one single boring sequence throughout the whole show because Todds Phillip delivers 'Due Date' the exact 100% comedy experience as 'The Hangover'. The chemistry between Robert Downey Jr. and Zach Galifanakis is GREAT and most of all, the acting between them were top notch.
If you are hungry for laughs, do catch 'Due Date'... Definitely worth watching. This movie really deserved my best shot...
I had the pleasure of watching the preview screening all thanks to F Movie Mag. The premiere date is on the 04/November
***pixs courtesy by Google search***