MAC Venomous Villains Collection *update*
MAC teamed up with Disney to create the latest Limited Edition color collections...
The concept making me feels like getting this MAC's latest Venomous Villains Collection :)

MAC's latest Limited Edition Collection inspired by the villains of Disney movies. Collaboration between MAC and Disney... Created a series of Limited Edition collections for the top 4 Disney's most deliciously dark villains :-
Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmation
Evil Queen from Snow White
Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty
Dr. Facilier - The Princess and The Frog
Each collection comes with an unique packaging of its own series that consist lipstick, eye-liner, eye-shadow, cheek-color and lip-gloss.
OMG! Think I wanna have them all... Haha!
Went to Tangs Orchard for their launch... Some items that I wanted were sold out... I waited so long for this launch from MAC @_@
Went to Tangs Orchard for their launch... Some items that I wanted were sold out... I waited so long for this launch from MAC @_@
**pics courtesy by Google search**