Baby... you complete me...

Baby sent me to Chong Pang to meet Jo... for breakfast and buying spree before heading to school... Thanks baby... Felt really guilty not having breakfast with Baby ... I felt even more guilty... when he insisted to send me to meet Jo in the morning... he always so understanding... ^-^... Love every bits of him....

I spent total of $55 for my 2pcs buys @ Auntie place... After the spree, we went for our breakfast... We headed down to Daiso @ IMM for more shopping... We went Long John Silver for lunch...

Baby sms-ed that he bot 2 tickets online for Ice Age 3 - Dawn of the Dinosaurs @ Causeway Point - 2355hrs... Baby finished his lessons ard 2140hrs... he came over to my place to pick me up for the show... Baby... I heart you...

My say for the movie - The theme of ICE AGE 3 is 'Family Bond'... Great family movie. Show the responsibility and the importance of a family. Overall the movie is funny... I laughed throughout the whole show. The 3 T-rex Babies and Baby Peaches are so cute... They are simply adorable...


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