I am out-dated

Just upgraded my computer to IE7... I know IE7 is still old version... cos now the in-version shld be IE8... But I am contented with IE7 liao... cos previously I was a IE6 user... OMG! @_@ rite... I know that myself... I'm 'ancient'... thank you!
Been using IE7 for almost 3 days... Is a blessing that I upgrade to IE7... cos is way better than IE6... Facing alot of problems when surfing net using the old browser (IE6). Alot of security features was out-dated... My computer was really at risk... I want to keep my computer safe.. I made a wise choice to upgrade to IE7... as most of my friends told me that IE8 still having some slight unstability... I will upgrade to IE8 once it's fine...


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