PIXAR - 20 Years of Animation

Miss the preview visit from Bloggers OMY.sg due to work commitment... I wrote in to reject the pair of invites to the Pixar exhibition happening @ Singapore Science Centre... Felt abit down cos I really want to go there with my Baby... Luckily Pixar never let me down.. Hahaha!! I won a pair of tickets again from SimplyHer... This exhibition is really destined for me to pay a visit... Thanks SimplyHer... and of course Pixar exhibits & artworks that came to Singapore... I understood more about Pixar animations thru this exhibition... Pixar really did a great work for the past 20years... Thumbs Up!!!

My all-time fave character - Sulley from Monster INC
Photography was strictly prohibited inside the gallery area... Well, I guess is copyrights and I respected the rule... Cos every designer & creator has the right to protect his/her artworks... We took about an hour to read & look thru the exhibits... was a great experience exploring the world of animation.... We got the souvenir photo... Thanks SimplyHer once again for the complimentary tickets...


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