Tips from Clinelle!

Tips for Happy Skin, Happy Face!

1. Cleanse, Tone, Moisturise!
Cleanse thoroughly, Tone to prep skin and Moisturise to keep skin well hydrated.

2. Move That Body!
Better blood circulation will also give your skin the natural glow it needs to stay happy.
3. Juice What You Need To Be happy!
Up your vitamin and antioxidant levels with a fresh cup of juice everyday to perk the skin, giving it a fresh and clean glow.... Working from inside out, so your skin is healthier and happier too!
4. Drink Up!
Ensure 6-8 glasses of fluid daily to keep the skin moist, supple and refreshed. Water is a natural cleanser that helps eliminates toxins from the body. Hydrated skin will help fend off developing fine lines and blemishes so a clear complexion keeps you smiling!
5. Never Leave Home Without Sun Protection
UV rays are the main reason for premature aging and damaged skin cells. Giving the skin adequate care and protection from sun’s exposure will ensure the skin is kept healthy and happy.
6. Be a Sleeping Beauty... Zzz..
Indulge in quality and a constant sleep pattern daily. Sleep gives the body time to restore itself and to re-energise the body's organs and skin. A regular sleep pattern will take the weariness of the skin, leaving it refreshed and rejuvenated.

7. After Bath – Prime Time to Moisturise
Apply your moisturiser while your skin is still damp and warm. Oils, lotions, and other moisturisers can do their job better when the skin is still moist.
8. Have a Light Heart
An average adult laughs 17 times a day. Take the frowns and stress away from your face and the skin will take cues to relax as studies have found stress to be a cause for breakouts. Laughing is contagious – so spread the laughter with those around you!
9. Stub Out That Cigarette
Cigarette smoke depletes your body of Vitamin C, a key ingredient required for collagen production for taut and younger-looking skin. Smoking significantly increases the appearance of wrinkles and dry skin, aging the skin prematurely. Kick that habit and do your skin a favour!

10. Clinelle’s 6 Best-Kept Secrets
Free of artificial fragrance, artificial colouring, comedogenic ingredients, SD-Alcohol, lanolin and mineral oil which clog pores, cause irritation, strip moisture from the skin, cause skin sensitization and breakouts, all Clinelle products work using the Envinix™ System with RX3 Action™ to Repair, Refine and Reshield the skin for optimized skin health. Clinelle cares for skin, keeping it healthier and happier.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for sharing the tips.
Btw, the cute icons brighten up your post. Cheers!
Thanks! I want this post entry to be read in happy mood :)

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