[EVENT] Launch of the World's First Museum Interactive AI Ambassador at MINT Museum of Toys
I attended the Launch of the World's First Museum Interactive AI Ambassador with ChewyJas, and we were thrilled to be one of the first few to witness a new way of information and museum ticketing. It was time to experience the first-hand the power of generative AI technology.
The event commenced off with opening speeches, followed by a live demonstration and in-depth sharing of the innovative generative AI Technology. The demonstration showcased the benefits of using an AI Ambassador for a two-way live interaction in multiple languages!
We were so excited on the unveiling of the AI Ambassador, and The Little Prince was chosen for this role! His childlike sense of wonder had him exploring the vast universe, cherishing what truly matters in life!
The Little Prince (AI Ambassador) also served as the museum's information and ticketing platform, by engaging and communicating with visitors through a two-way interaction, providing consistent information that the patrons required!
We were served a sumptuous buffet spread for lunch, featuring an
assortment of dishes, including traditional Nonya Kuehs.
We explored the different levels of the MINT Museum of Toys, where we discovered lots of vintage toys and childhood memorabilia. We loved the nostalgic experience!
Before we left, we tried interacting with the AI Ambassador, The
Little Prince. Do say hello to him on your next visit to the MINT Museum
of Toys!