Post-a-Card Launch Party
Singapore Post threw a launch party at the Butter Factory to celebrate the return of the humble postcards for all their customers as a gesture of appreciation towards them. Simply show the Post-a-Card mobile app to gain entry.

I attended the launch party with a group of friends. Trio of us took a photo with the giant-sized postcard outside the Butter Factory...
Candid shot for Andrew and me... *Bloopers*
Say Cheeze... *HAPPY*
Jade Seah was the host of the night...
We had so much fun there and we met up with William and his friends at the party too. I love party-ing with friends, this feeling is simply great!! We got to send FREE postcard to our friends and loved ones through the mobile app during the party.
Andrew and Terence were announced to be the winners to win the Lomo Camera as their photo was selected as the winning entry. Congrats brudders!!
This was their winning photo. Super hilarious lol... OMG!! Terence looked super unglam with his long tongue sticking out. Andrew looked shocked and puzzled in this photo. Hahaha!!
Ending my post with our large group photo... Thanks for the invite and it was a blast night for us.